Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Does Pure Chemistry Make So Much Sense?

Why Does Pure Chemistry Make So Much Sense?To me, the pure chemistry definition makes a lot of sense. I understand it better than most. Not just because I think it is one of the best definitions, but also because it is also one of the simplest.Let me explain to you what I mean by the definition of pure chemistry. Basically, there are only two types of substances. There are those that exist and those that don't. Think about it, is the answer 'All those that do not exist' actually an answer?That answer is simple enough for you to see if you really try. You see, to me, all those substances that do not exist in nature, because they are made up of atoms. Things that consist of these atoms are called compounds.What do you think about this, is the definition of pure chemistry, right? What we are looking at is not just any kind of substance, but a compound of one substance that is completely different from the other substances.Is it true or even possible? Can it be true? That is what you hav e to think about, but believe me, it is!Are you aware of the amazing phenomenon that is currently happening all around you? Scientists are discovering and studying these very same things. They have found out that they are the results of exactly the same natural laws that we have learned over the years. These laws, such as conservation of energy, order, and so on, are absolutely and unequivocally true.The thing is, that it took me a long time to realize that fact and a great deal of study and research to get to the point where I would fully realize and appreciate it. And even after finally realizing this, I still don't think it makes a lot of sense, but that's OK. In the end, my explanation is not really important, is it?

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